Energy Healing Technique | reALIGNA Sleep Meditation App


energy healing master, Daleen, reading in a chair

Meditation with Archangel Energy Balances Your Entire Being

In the realm of energy healing, you are more than just your physical body. Your CORE encompasses your entire being, including your body, heart, mind, soul, and the energy that flows within you (thoughts and desires). Beyond that, your energy field binds us all together, connecting us with other people and our natural environment. 

There are many aspects that can impact your CORE causing you to feel imbalanced. Continue reading to learn more, including the significance of consistent reALIGNMENT and the remarkable advantages it holds for you. 

When you sleep-meditate with reALIGNA, you reALIGN with archangels and the entirety of your being, your CORE, is protected by the loving light energy fusion of 15 archangels.

reALIGNA is so much more than just a meditation that you listen to while you sleep. It is a guided series of meditations – which I call your meditation journey – that follow each other in a specific sequence and connect your energy to the energy of 15 archangels. This technique is called the reALIGNA healing technique. It is a healing tool like no other that helps you balance your CORE. 

Daleen – Energy Master

This infographic shows you all the layers of your entire being. Around your core are things that can impact you and shift you off balance, which includes your energy field and the energy fields of other beings around you. 

Too much attachment to your past experiences creates an imbalance. Negative thoughts, anxiety about the future, self limiting beliefs, and more, cause a shift of your axis. All these aspects make it easy to lose track of who you really are, what you need, and what you want. 

When your CORE is out of balance, you might find yourself relying on external crutches (whatever form they take for you) to navigate your life’s journey, often without a clear understanding of the reasons or the means to make a change. 

For more details on the aspects that affect the balance of your being read below.

Let’s Talk About You


You are more than just your body. Your entire being includes: body, heart, mind, soul, energy (like thoughts and desires) and our energy field,  feeling more connected to your natural environment.


Your core is protected by the loving light energy fusion of 15 archangels – accessed by streaming the reALIGNA sleep meditations. 


It’s common to obsess over the past and yearn for an imagined future, even though you know deep down that you feel more balanced, happy and fulfilled when you live in the present.


reALIGNA can give you the tools and techniques to help you become more aware and appreciative of the present.


Archangel energy helps you heal from past trauma, while you embrace the future as it comes, not yearn for it to come sooner.


Your past is more than the time since you were born. To me, the past is layered and includes:


  • Past experiences, particularly from childhood but also up to the present.
  • Soul memories from our past lives.
  • Memories from our genetic ancestry stored in our cells.

These play a huge role in shaping who we are. Without healing and releasing the attachments we have to the past, we struggle to realize our full potential. reALIGNING with archangel energy clears a space where we can become who we truly are and discover what we really want – without cumbersome baggage holding us back. In the light of this clearing, paths naturally open and we walk them with clarity and certainty.


There are two sides to our physical life. There’s the physical form: our anatomy, physiology and genes. Then there’s the physical being: our day-to-day actions and the choices we make.


We’re not speaking in medical terms, but rather how people hold on to emotional experiences.


Imbalances occur when our physical being holds onto emotional trauma, either from this life or a previous one. These imbalances stop us from fully enjoying our physical form. They influence how our physical being copes with daily existence.


Although we have choices – how we take care of ourselves, what we eat, how we exercise (if we exercise) – it’s difficult to do what we know is best for us, when impacted by so many layers of childhood conditioning and past experiences.


We are so much more than our physical form. We’re spiritual beings living a human/physical experience. How we connect within ourselves and with everything around us – nature, water, the planet – forms the basis of our spiritual life. Our spiritual life stretches beyond just this lifetime.


reALIGNA fosters a deeper connection, merging the physical with the spiritual so you feel more grounded, more balanced in yourself and with everything around you.


There’s a lot of pressure to create a future that’s considered “worthwhile”.


Pressure from the external world of today, as well as influences of our past, are both powerful in their limitations. They hold us back from achieving the life we dream of. But if we focus too heavily on the future, we live in a constant state of yearning.


When we reALIGN our past with the future we want, we receive the value of having our purpose and destiny revealed to us while living in the present.


Science shows that vibrations of energy are emitted from every living being – from the largest creatures to the smallest atoms, even from plants. Our beliefs, our thoughts, our desires all heavily impact this energy vibration.


Streaming reALIGNA while sleep meditating helps you manage this energy flow. With help from the loving, healing energy of 15 archangels, a more positive energy is exchanged from and towards our natural environment. A deeper connection with the energy of a place is as important as with the energy of other people.


Your energy field is the space around you that you open yourself to and share yourself with. A field that you allow depending on past experiences and your own growth. Some people have an energy field close to their bodies, while others expand their vibration to connect more deeply with other people and nature.


Energy is flowing from you constantly. While streaming reALIGNA, your energy-field is protected in a sphere infused with love and light from 15 archangels. This protection makes your inner love stronger and your inner light shine brighter. Your energy field expands once it is cleansed of harsh influences.


Joining with the archangels’ vibration makes your own energy radiate positive waves more freely, which in turn helps others and the earth to heal and balance.

Unifying Conscious & Subconscious: Elevate Your Journey with reALIGNA's Energy Healing

The reALIGNA energy healing technique helps balance your CORE as you embark on your sleep meditation journey.

Your CORE reALIGNS with archangel energy and is protected by the loving light energy fusion of 15 archangels. Your past is aligned with your future, your spiritual life is aligned with your physical life, you become centered and have a deeper understanding of the flow of time.

There is much more. Your energy field is cleared by the 15 archangels, protected, and earthed so that it can expand with love & light.

When this reALIGNING happens on a consistent basis (i.e. you listen regularly) you benefit in so many ways.

You benefit on a personal level – which are the areas in your life that you want to change and are consciously aware (the tip of the iceberg). And on a deep subconscious level (base of your iceberg) – those areas you are not aware of and are the root cause of many issues.

man lying on the grass listening to guided meditations from the reALIGNA sleep meditation app

Discover the Unleashed Potential: Transformations Awaiting Your Nurtured Conscious Being

  • You can grow creativity and communication skills, including public speaking.
  • You can stop leaning on negative crutches like over eating, too much alcohol, and other habits that doesn’t serve you anymore.
  • You can find balance with nutrition and exercising.
  • You can get a better balance with toxic people, as they won’t be able to drain your energy anymore. 
  • You can work towards better health and wellbeing.
  • You can embrace calmness and let go of anxiety.
  • You can grow self-love and better love relationships.
  • You can find balance with your online life and release past attachments.
  • You can grow a positive mindset
  • And many more 

Exploring the Depths Within: Transformations Awaiting Your Nurtured Conscious Being

  • You’ll connect with all the layers that make up your entire being. 
  • You’ll grow an awareness of past life connections and a better understanding of your own soul journey. 
  • You’ll appreciate your natural environment more, and share loving energy with everything living naturally around you.
  • You’ll connect more with people that’s in alignment with you.
  • You will heal the many layers of your past (including past lives), even when you can’t remember everything. 
  • You will grow more inner-love, which leads to more happiness in present moments.
  • You will forgive yourself and others from past experiences.
  • You will be able to change subconscious programming from early childhood, that doesn’t serve you anymore. 
  • Your living and work space will have an energy cleansing daily from the archangels.
  • You will have the protection of 15 archangels in your energy field every day.
  • You will discover your unique self and thus understand your own destiny and purpose better
  • You will learn that whilst LOVE grows from within, it heals in a beautiful way, as archangels love unconditionally. 
a woman enjoying energy healing through the reALIGNA app

Want to know how reALIGNA works ?

Listen to archangel energy infused recordings while sleeping or meditating


“My life is very fast paced and although I want to spend hours on feeling Zen every day, I simply don’t have the time. Sleeping while healing my past is the best modality, I’ve ever discovered…It’s a time saver and I feel great”
healing journey thumbprint for Archangel Zadkiel

“The best thing about reALIGNA is that I work on myself every night while sleeping. I sleep better and notice subtle changes all the time. What a brilliant concept”

“At first, I didn’t think I would be able to sleep with a voice speaking every night. Now I choose to put it on because I know every night, I reclaim little pieces of myself that got lost, somewhere along the way. I feel like I am becoming the better truer version of myself”
healing journey thumbprint for Archangel Sandalphon

“These recordings have changed my outlook on life and helped me through a time of that I didn’t know what the outcome would be. Thank you beautiful archangel energy”
healing journey thumbprint for Archangel Zadkiel

“I definitely changed my outlook and appreciation for our living planet and since then I’ve made massive changes to our whole family’s use of plastic, recycling and re-using of products. This all came so natural to me after a few months on the recordings”
healing journey thumbprint for Archangel Gabriel

“The best thing about reALIGNA is that I work on myself every night while sleeping. I sleep better and notice subtle changes all the time. What a brilliant concept”
healing journey thumbprint for Archangel Metatron

“When I started listening to reALIGNA, I was one of the many people drowning / numbing my emotions and issues that stemmed from my childhood and challenging adulthood. It took a long time for the shift to happen, but when it did it was meaningful and lasting. The best part of this app is the slow healing process that helps you deal with your issues at a pace that is good for you. Now, I have complete control of my drinking. I never thought I would see the day where I was strong enough to say, “no more” and put the bottle down. Not waking up with a hangover anymore and being healthier for it, is what I wanted to achieve. I still listen to reALIGNA, but this time I am working on communication and self-worth. There are many options for personal growth and each one takes months to align yourself. Luckily, I am not in a rush and would rather persist at my pace than give up, because giving up, is not an option”
healing journey rainbow thumbprint for Archangel Jophiel

reALIGNA’s unique approach to healing through Archangel energy infused meditations gives you the tools to unlock every beautiful facet of your being. It’s time to heal, learn, grow, overcome obstacles and enhance your life and the world around you. If you want to know how truly remarkable you are, simply download reALIGNA – stream then sleep to start your healing journey.

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